Microbial examination of spoilt Avocado fruits was carried out to obtained the causal organism. A total of 60 avocado from Ogbete Main market and New market Enugu were examined by culturing on nutrient agar and sabourand dextrose agar (SM), for bacteria and fungi causing post – harvest spoilage on the fruits; six bacterial species and six fungal species were isolated. The bacteria include Erwinia SP (66.7%), Streptococcus sp, *25%), E. Coli (18.9%) and staphycoccus sp (33.3%), Pseudomonas sp (20%) and Chromobacterium sp (5%) has the lowest percentage occurrence, Erwinia sp, Pseudomonas sp and chromobacterium sp were found to be absent in the control. The fungi species, includes Aspergillus sp (50%), Pericillium sp (25%), Fusarium sp (16.6%), Rhisopus sp (13.3%), currularia sp (8.3%) and Rhoctorula sp (3.3%), were also kolated Avocado fruits from Ogbete main market were more contaminated than the avocado form the new market.
The study evaluated the rise of citizen journalism in Nigeria and discovered that Citizen Journalism is emergin...
Performance of Geography subject in Yaba Local Council Development Area has been poor. Over the years, the results have not been...
Background of the study
Banks are a vital part of every economy. It is the driving force behind society...
7 Securinega virosa (Roxb ex Willd) Baill (Euphorbiaceae) is a small, deciduous, graceful shrub that is widely distributed in Af...
Statement of the problem
In Nigerian, research has been carried out for a long time, as in Nigerian sch...
Nigeria has over three thousand Ornamental Fish species and the potential of being one of the leading exporters. In spite of the...
This study investigated relationship of achievement motivation, self-efficacy and academic achievement among NCE students of col...
This study was carried out on the influence of community Radio in agricultural development using Caritas...
This study explored the influence of cultural differences...
Biological diversity-the variety within and among species and ecosystem is essential for our planet, human wellbeing, livelihood...